Tuesday 9 December 2014

Maths is Fun!

Mathematics is an important subject at almost all levels of education. With an exception of very few fields of knowledge, every field is somehow associated with or dependent on quantitative principals and formulas. With this being a known fact, comes a need to increase the interest of young students in the subject. Very few students study arithmetic with interest, considering it as a friend but most study it just to pass the course and to get promoted to the next class. Out of this huge proportion, a big percentage takes least interest in the subject both because it is a tough subject and because it takes a lot of sitting and practice. Parents pay handsomely for their children to excel in the subject, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Making them realize that Maths is fun or at least that it can be may just make the difference.

Quantitative subjects require brain power; there is no doubt in that. But by simply making it more practical, can perhaps help in making it more interesting to the children. Word problems for instance can be changed into ones that are more common in observation. But it is usually so dry and colourless to study that the interest of students goes on to die by the minute. So much so that younger students go on to find math as their rival and enemy. They do so by thinking of it as a complex and dry subject that has nothing better to do than to absolutely destroy their grades. A popular study conducted about the difficulty associated with quantitative subjects depicted that the students even actually felt a physical pain while doing it.

Children are more receptive to learning when it is closer or next to playing rather than working. This holds very true for children at the age of under 10 years. An easier way to do that is by understanding this basic principal. Math, however quantitative it may be, is an interactive science. The student interacts with the problem written in the book, for as long as it stays out of it, it can satisfy the fun element. Making children do quantitative exercises by interacting with the environment does the trick just fine.

For some children, things appeal when they mean something 
and are real. Making it fun and real can do a good job. Making them realize at an early age that they are going to need it for the rest of their lives, pushes them to believe that Maths is fun after all. A wannabe engineer child cannot become one until and unless he or she is good at quantitative subjects. Similarly, a wannabe doctor can think that they can go on with their desired profession by avoiding it, but they certainly cannot expect to run a household on a budget this way.

For children who dream of becoming businessmen or investors need quantitative skill more than anyone. Their parents, knowing their ambitions can relate it to their respective filed from a very early day. Doing this, makes them realize Maths is fun and they start taking more interest in it as a subject and as a course of study. A common misperception needs to be clarified here; some parents begin to see a scholar or a Newton in their child at a very early age seeing the interest he or she is taking in it. This is wrong, just because the child is finally coming around it does not mean that it is a highly suitable way for her or him to make the career. Also, it has been observed that the subject either becomes interesting or disinteresting right at the age of infancy, this makes it a very good time to begin for the parents.

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